Photo by zero take on Unsplash


I was supposed to write this piece at the start of 2022. It's really been a while since I last visited my own blog site. I couldn't even remember how I suddenly lost my passion for writing. That said, there is no denying that a lot has changed the world, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continuing to dominate the headlines all around the world.

Anyway, with 2022 in sight, my mind brings me back to this dusty blog site and I decided to have yet another rebirth. I realized that I have tried to establish my blog site for the second time since 2019, but to no avail. There are loads of hidden matters that need to be looked at beyond writing. Just showing your passion for writing isn't enough as you have to learn how to grab people's attention to your blog. Furthermore, there are loads of news sites out there that can cater for your specific type of interest. In other words, you are in stiff competition for people's attention and interest.

This got me thinking: Why don't I talk about less popular or niché materials that normal people never heard of, especially when it comes to technology? In such a case, there are loads of cool gadgets out there worth mentioning to normal average consumers. It's the same story with motoring, travel, and culture.

I am hoping that I can enrich more people across the world with more knowledge beyond the mainstream wave. After all, it always feels great to learn new things in life.

I guess that is all for me. Time to dust off the book and open up a brand new life chapter. I'm hoping that you will #staysafe during this ongoing pandemic and keep yourself vaccinated for the sake of your loved ones.

With great love and passion,

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